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rely on me.
i'm your soul.

HeLL_nO! Pictures, Images and Photos

A 14 year old guy. You can give me a present on every 9April.
♥: Qing Rong,Helga, Kin Zhong, Eugenia, Sook Yi and MORE !!!
♥♥: Jun Hui, Amelia, Bertha, Family, Sophia, Kyler, Khai Razif, Erfan, Irfan, Daryl, Zheng Ming
Currently in Junyuan Sec and in Wushu :D
Oh yes, I LOVE 2E4! and Ali Bombers/Crocs and 6C too, :D


A= Amelia
B= Bertha
C= Carissa
D= Daniel, Daryl
E= Erfan
F= ???
G= ???
H= Helga
I= Irfan
J= Jacintha, Jun Hui, Joyann, Joycelyn(Chua), Jing Rui
K= Kyler, Kin Zhong, Khai
L= LeXuan
M= ???
N= Natasha
O= ...
P= ...
Q= Qing Rong
R= Razif
S= Sophia, Sook Yi
T= Tessar
U= ...
V= Verona
W= Wei Ning
Y= Yee Ning
Z= ...

who is talking.

my days, not yours.

Thank you guys.

Layout: Kary-yan/Missyan.
Hosts: x o x

Friday, June 18, 2010

Hey yo ! :D JingJie here helping WinsonChewJiaYi to update his dead blog (: Tsktsk , dont know what to say luhhh .__. okay , PRIVATE !!! Winsonchew asked me to delete off canzxc ! Stupid !!! OMG . Opps ;x . Hopes he wont kill me luh ~ Aiya , he's seriously a big bully luh !! Argh , stupid winson :P bleah . Kay , i know he's gonna kill me ): fine , dont care . Cause he's a big bully (: hahaa , off to sms him ~ byeeeeee :DD

hohoho , korkor i love you kay ! i dont hate you :D

The time you left 10:36 PM

Saturday, June 5, 2010

LOVE sec 2 camp !
First day went to school at around 8.30am to take the stupid Maths Olympiad exam lor ..
The exams ans all anyhow do de ..
Haha ..
Ans all like 79, 790, 7900, 26, 260, 2010 etc.
Haha !
Anyhow do then leave fast fast with Joel (2e1) ..
Slack at canteen till 11.30am before bus come ..
Haha ..
Bus-ed to Sarimbun Scouts Camp ..
A 1h ride ..
Bored ..
Reach there around 1pm ..
Went to the huts to put our things..
Me, ZhengMing, Joel(2e1), JunHao, KinZhong, HongBeng and JunJie same hut ..
Hut quite small then only 1 fan ..
They cut off power supply in morning de ..
Then me, ZhengMing and JunHao same group - Group 8 ..
We don't want eat lunch then just straight find our group at Rock Climbing there ..
Saw JadeXin, YuXi and Joycelyn ..
All do activites together de ..
Still got Kyler and Amelia ..
Kyler went sick bay then Amelia no come cause fever..
Me, JadeXin and YuXi same group ..
Kyler, Joycelyn and Amelia same group ..
My group trainer is Clara ..
Very good de ..
Brief me, ZhengMing and JunHao on the basics cause we late ..
See others do ..
Some went quite high ..
Then Joycelyn like stomach pain ..
Grab my hand to like release the pain ..
Hand red red de ..
Haha !
Then my turn to climb !
Climb till halfway ?
Then too tired then lazy continue also ..
Haha ..
Come down that time hand numb ..
Then went to do Challenge Pole ..
Quite high leh .
Reach on top need stand onto an unstable stand and jump to grab the bar ..
I didn't manage to get it cause JUNJIE !
He on top like 10mins sia ..
Sit down on the pole like retard for like 10mins ..
My hands tired like mad ..
Legs also ..
Then he go kick the lizard onto my hand ..
Almost make me fall !
Next is Flying Fox ..
Me, JunHao and ZhengMing bet see who can scream the loudest when jump down ..
JunHao went first ..
Then he no scream..
I think he sure lose so scream lor ..
In the end i paisei !
Only i scream then like gu niang !!!
But super fun!
Haha ..
Then went to have dinner ..
Dinner was okay ?
Finish dinner then went for Blindman trail ..
Quite fun .
But my head bang till the flag pole !
Trainer told us to remove our shirt from our eyes ( used shirt to cover our eyes)
They then brief us ..
Haha ..
Then my group all the way till group 14 had supper first ..
The milo ROX ! !
Clara debrief us then we went to shower ..
Need wait wait ..
Haha ..
Lazy ..
Shower ! COOLING ! :D
Brushed teeth and went back to hut ..
Talked to JunHao they all a while then sleep ..
Couldn't really sleep cause a lot things in my head ..
Then manage to sleep for like 3h then wake up ..
Found that JunHao awake then we go walk around the camp searching for time ..
Its 2.30am ..
Night was peaceful . Quiet (:
Very nice ..
Went back to the hut then started to rain at 3am ..
Slept ..
Weather became quite cold ..
Had a good night sleep (:

DAY 2 
That day was the best day !
Had breakfast then went to do the Challenging Ropes ..
First to do (:
Did the bridge the ..
Super high up and shaky ..
Bridge is like super broken
Very fun :D
Then go do low ropes ..
Low ropes not really fun cause only need cross a small wall ..
Team Building is next ..
Played some games then move on to lunch ..
Lunch was rather nice ..
Did General Station next..
Games also ..
So fun ..
The pool is rather muddy but it tastes like plain water ..
Did twice then got passport and started Race Against Time (:
The game was like 3h long ?
Fun (:
All groups gather at MPH ..
Debrief and went to wash up ..
Only rinse , no showering ..
Can't ..
Went for dinner . .
Finished dinner and CAMPFIRE !
The atmosphere was very good ..
Lots of stars ..
And when gazing at them ..
Super beautiful..
Made a wish (no harm trying) ..
When Mr Ling came to put out fire, everyone all not happy.
So he put out a bit only..
Musics played and everyone danced !
Super FUN!
The next day was the camp chief birthday ..
Sang her birthday song ..
Fun :D
Went for supper and showered (:
Backed to hut then lots of ppl come to play ..
"Interviewed" JunJie ! HAHA ! SUPER FUNNY !
Erfan is the reporter..
A lot ppl laugh leh ..
Haha ..
Too much to name .
Got those who live in the same hut as me, ZhengHui, JunHui, ZongWei, GuoAn(?) , Gem, ChunKit, Donavan, Norman, WeiLi and Razif ..
Haha !
Played till 11.45pm then went back lor ..
Turned in ..

Day 3
Last day le .. :(
Woke up then all gathered to do morning stretches .. 
Fun then had breakfast ..
Split to own groups then debrief and did feedback form ..
Next is area cleaning ..
Cleaned up the girls' toilet ..
Play around ..
Clara spray water at us then all spray back !
Finish le then me and JunHao went to clear the thrash ..
Gathered at campfire site to end the camp with the prize presentation ..
Final debrief and headed back to JYSS ..
Mdm Fauziah leaving us le ..
2E4 not gonna be the same anymore ..
Gonna miss her even though she always scold us ..




The time you left 11:31 PM

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Blog is like dead ?
Exams period lor ..
1 more paper to go .
On com is only listen music and study ..
Nothing much to post ..
Today Science Paper ..
Biology is super killer !
Just now after paper go SPG play play.
Then invent something like Ninja Warrior ..
Quite fun :D
Later need go study .
1 more paper ..
Maths Paper 2 !

The time you left 2:10 PM

Monday, May 3, 2010

Hello !
Today officially rox !
Although like run here and there..
But its fun ..
Morning went to eat with  mother and aunt ..
Go eastpoint there had breakfast ..
Then ZhengMing meet me at Eastpoint before going to Food Palace ..
Haha !
Then we took MRT ..
Took the wrong one !
Should be taking the one to Tampines de .. But end up at Tanah Merah ..
Change and faster go back (:
Take 291 from interchange to Food Palace ..
Wait like till 9.45am Charmaine and Carissa then come..
JunHao came next then we like want trick Charmaine .
I like so extra there lor ..
They all talking, i silently doing work ..
Then Aretha came..
Didn't really look at her ..
Only a few peeks..
Haha ..  I'm a super toot
Left Food Palace at 11am to go to Tampines Mart study again ..
Haha ..
Aretha, Charmaine and Carissa walk me out .. LOL!
Then Aretha said bye bye to me and left ..
Was like smiling when walking to the bus stop ..
Haha ..
Took 291 go Tampines Mart study with Amelia and KaiLin ..
Then at there saw Chester ..
12.30pm left for LAN !
Reach at around 1pm..
Irfan, Kyler, JunHui, Razif and some 2e5 ppl there ..
Play L4D2 (:
Haha ..
End at 3pm then go home ..
Kyler, JunHui and Irfan come my house cause JunHui need do things ..
Then no more ..  (:
BYe !

The time you left 9:25 PM

Monday, April 26, 2010

Hello !
Today is monday and school as usual ..
Reach school at 7.20am ..
Almost late lor ..
Haha ..
Then hall blah blah ..
Talk then go Lab 3 for science class..
After science should be IT class de ..
In the end Mr Huang say no more IT class today then go back class for 3 periods of HISTORY !
So sianx ..
Mdm Fauziah tell us the grades for CA1 lor..
I failed Literature !
Haha .. My worst subject .. My hatest subject (:
Then recess . .
Class ..
Blah blah ..
Class end ..
Take 291 go Century Square with Erfan, Kyler, JunHui, Khai, Irfan and Norman ..
Go Popeye celebrate JunHui birthday ..
Haha !
Then Khai and Erfan stop at the skate store look at things..
Me and Kyler go comic collection see see ..  JunHui also .
Then Razif come ..
Go eat :D
Haha ..
Spend $11.80 on eating..
When eating, Erfan go to the counter and ask for chilli .. He shout to ask !
Laugh like mad sia ..
Freaking funny lor ..
Haha !
Eat finish le then go home ..
Me, Kyler, Khai and Norman go home ..
JunHui, Irfan, Erfan and Razif they all go lan play play ..
Me took 292 and bus-ed home :D

[Charmaine : Rest well (: ]


The time you left 7:51 PM

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Today was Cross Country ! 
Assembled at Bedok Reservoir at 7.30am..
Was supposed to meet JunHui but never cause wake up late >.<
Aretha today never go cause she went for Flag Day .
Oh ya !
Then speech and start the run!
Haha .
1 round around the reservoir..
Run, RUn, RUN !
Haha .
First Crocs member to saw was Daryl ..
Then he chiong all the way le ..
Next is JunHui ..
Saw him then we walk walk ..
Erfan come and join us (:
Haha .. We walk then in the end JunHui start jogging le ..
Left me and Erfan at the back walking ..
Then a while later he start walk fast ..
Me alone again ..
Next was Norman .
Jog together then leg start to pain a bit so stop..
Alone once more ..
Then it was Khai, followed by Irfan..
Was like walking halfway then suddenly Hazirah !
Haha ..
In the end i still lose .. Irfan also lose to Hazirah . .
Only Khai win ..
Haha ..
JunHui got 20th .. Daryl got 4th ..
Hazirah 1st girl ..
Haix :(
Then it was CIP ..
Picked up thrash .. Blah Blah ..
No more (:

The time you left 4:16 PM

Friday, April 23, 2010

Bored ?
Finish English and Chinese papers le ..   (: WHEEE ~
Haha ..
Blog now super lazy to post ..
Cause nothing much ?
Went to lan today with JunHui, Kyler, Erfan, Irfan, Razif and KinWhye..
Haha ..
Play L4D2 and i am super noobie :D
Super sianx..

The time you left 7:48 PM